8:30 am – Registration – Lenfest Lobby
9:00 am – Welcome – Sarah Cole, Professor of English and Comparative Literature, Dean of Humanities, Columbia University
Panel 1: 9:15 am – 10:30 am
China and Leftist Theory: Then and Now
Chair: Lydia Liu Director, Institute for Comparative Literature and Society
Wun Tsun Tam, Professor in the Humanities, Columbia University
Yomi Braester, Professor of Comparative Literature, Cinema and Media, Univ. of Washington: “Leftism is an Issue of Traveling: On the Gaps between Theory, Criticism, and Activism”
Jason McGrath, Associate Professor of Asian Languages and Literatures, Univ. of Minnesota: “Prescriptive Realism: Theorizing Chinese Cinema from Communism to Capitalism”
Respondent: Laurence Coderre, Assistant Professor of East Asian Studies, New York University
Coffee Break - 10:30 am – 10:55 am – The Lantern – 8th floor
Panel 2: 11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Feminist Theory & Critical Theory in Korea
Chair: Stephen Chung, Associate Professor of East Asian Studies, Princeton University
Jaeho Kang, Associate Professor of Communication, Seoul National University: “Beyond Left-Wing Melancholy: Legacies of Critical Theory in Media Studies in South Korea”
Soyoung Kim, Professor of Cinema Studies, Korea National University of Arts: “Inside/Outside (內外): Postcolonial Women’s Sphere of Media and Maechae (媒體)”
Respondent: Rob King, Associate Professor of Film, Columbia University
12: 15 pm – 1:30 pm - Lunch Break
Panel 3: 1:30 pm – 3:15 pm
Chair: Tomi Suzuki, Professor of Japanese Literature, Columbia University
Anastasia Fedorova, Associate Professor of Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies, Moscow Higher School of Economics: “Echoes of ‘Socialist Realism’ in Japanese Film Theory and Practice”
Diane Wei Lewis, Assistant Professor of Film & Media Studies, Washington University-St. Louis: "Prokino's Praxis: The Theory behind Mobile Film Units and Mobilization Networks during Its Bolshevization Period (1930-1932)"
Jane Gaines, Professor of Film, Columbia University: “The 1930s Workers International Photo Leagues and the Comintern”
Respondent: Tatiana Linkhoeva, Assistant Professor of Japanese, New York University
Coffee Break: 3:15 – 3:40 pm - Lenfest – The Lantern - 8th floor
Panel 4: 3:45 pm– 5:30 pm
Theories of Subjectivity, Coordination & Movement
Chair: Wei Shang, Du Family Professor of Chinese Culture, EALAC, Columbia University
Ying Qian, Assistant Professor of Chinese Cinema and Media, EALAC, Columbia University: “Creative Labor in an Age of Mechanical Reproduction and Colonial War: Zheng Junli's Theory of Acting beyond Stanislavski in China”
Weihong Bao, Associate Professor of Film and Media, East Asian Languages and Cultures, University of California, Berkeley: “The Art of Coordination: Design Thinking and Media Politics in Wartime China.”
Laikwan Pang, Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong: “Maoism and Development: China’s Great Leap Forward versus India’s Naxalite Movement”
Respondent: Debashree Mukherjee, Assistant Professor of Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies, Columbia University
5:45 pm – 7:15 pm Dinner Break
Evening Screening: 7:30 pm – 10:30 pm
Treasures from the Archives – Japan and the U.S. (Ikira Iwasaki, Japan, 1945)
Introduction: Carol Gluck, George Sansom Professor of History; Chair, Committee on Global Thought, Columbia University: “Akira Iwasaki and Erik Barnouw: Prokino and Columbia University”
Markus Nornes, Professor of Asian Cinema, University of Michigan