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Visual Arts + Sound Art First Year Exhibition

  • The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Art Gallery (map)

Curated by Amy Sadao

The Columbia University School of the Arts Visual Arts Program presents the Class of 2026 First Year MFA Exhibition in collaboration with the Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Art Gallery at the Lenfest Center for the Arts.

Gallery Hours: Wednesday–Sunday, 12 pm–6 pm

Participating Artists

Sound Artists
Miguel Gallego, Alek Green, and Ása Önnu Ólafsdóttir

Visual Artists
Timothy Bair, Yeji Cho, YouKyoung Cho, CR4CKROCK, Harold Garcia V (El Quinto), Yuyu He, Sarah Huffard, Michael Igwe, Eugene Jung, Soomin Kang, AKIRA KAWAHATA, Yshao Lin, Arel Lisette, Ashley McLean, Christine Miller, Darylina Powderface, Francisco Javier Ramirez, Jeannie Rhyu, Rafael Rodriguez, Maximiliano Rosiles, Yehwan Song, Alejandro Valencia, Jenny Williams, Iris Wu, and Jasphy Zheng

March 27

Every Work Has Several Faces: A Conversation with Yoko Tawada about Writing and Translation

April 17
